



Has anyone setup an online copy/paste utility for Google's Closure minifier? I'm working on a project and I want to minify part of the code manually without having to setup the entire project on my own.

+17  A: 

How about google's own service:

I should point out that "setting up the entire project on my own" really is not half as scary as you make it out to be :p.

I mean, it's a matter of downloading a java.jar and running it. Instructions:

  1. Download at
  2. Unzip
  3. run java command line:

    java -jar compiler.jar --js script-src.js --js_output_file script-compiled.js

where <compiler.jar> is the full location to the compiler.jar file in the downloaded archive, script-src.js is the full filename of the source file, and script-compiled.js is the full filename of the result.

Roland Bouman
+1 Awesome answer!
Doug Neiner
This is great. Thanks so much for setting this up.
Geuis, I didn't set it up. Google did.
Roland Bouman