



Here's another C#/.NET question based merely on curiousity more than an immediate need ...

If you had a Socket instance and you wanted to wrap it in the higher-level TcpClient class, is that possible and how would you do it?

Conversely if you have an instance of TcpClient, is it possible to get the underlying Socket?

+1  A: 

From TcpClient to Socket is very easy. tcpClientInstance.Client is the underlying Socket instance.

Jobi Joy
+6  A: 

If you had a Socket instance and you wanted to wrap it in the higher-level TcpClient class, is that possible and how would you do it?

Socket socket = ...;
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Client = socket;

Conversely if you have an instance of TcpClient, is it possible to get the underlying Socket?

Get the underlying Socket using TcpClient.Client property.
