How can I include a bookmarklet in a Markdown parsed document? Is there any "tag" for markdown that basically says "don't parse this"??
For example you could have something like:
<a href="javascript:function my_bookmarklet()
{alert('Hello World');}
But if I try to past the javascript from that into a link in markdown like this:
[Hello World!](javascript:function my_bookmarklet(){alert('Hello World');}my_bookmarklet();)
You get a messed up link, like below.
Hello World!{alert('Hello World');}my_bookmarklet();)
Is there anyway around this?
And no, I'm not trying to put malicious bookmarklets in SO or anything, but I want to use markdown for my site and would like to post some bookmarklets I wrote.
Any ideas?
Edit: I thought I had the answer...but now it seems I don't quite have it.
This seems to work great in WMD and showdown, but in the Markdown.php editor, it does not. Anyone have experience with Markdown.php specifically?