I have a form that pulls data from a database. Code works fine if it’s an input box but I can’t get the latest $_POST data for radio buttons.
This works for input text box. I get default values pulled from the DB on first load, and I can get the new input (if any) from the user modifies the input box on a failed validation.
<?php echo form_input('email',set_value('email', $email)); ?>
Here’s the code for one of my radio button. It works when I’m pulling data from the DB, but if the form refreshes due to a failed validation, I’m not sure how I can show what the user selected.
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" <?php if($gender == "male") echo "checked"; ?> />Male
I played around with set_radio but i ran into the same issue. This works on initial load, but what about on a failed validation? I tried throwing "set_radio" in the second paramter but that didn't work either.
if($gender == "male") {
echo form_radio('gender', 'male',TRUE)
} else {
echo form_radio('gender', 'male')