One other point to consider which might explain the behaviour is that the aspnet_wp.exe recycles if too much memory is being consumed (do not confuse this with the page life cycle)
If your long process is taking up too much memory ASP.NET will launch a new process and reassign all existing request. I would suggest checking for this. You can do this by looking in task manager at the aspnet_wp and checking the memory size being used - if the size suddnely goes back down it has recycled.
You can change the memory limit in machine.config:
<processModel autoConfig="true"/>
Use memoryLimit to specify the maximum allowed memory size, as a percentage of total system memory that the worker process can consume before ASP.NET launches a new process and reassigns existing requests. (The default is 60)
<processModel autoConfig="true" memoryLimit="10"/>
If this is what is causing a problem for you, the only solution might be to have a separate process for your long operation. You will need to setup IIS accordingly to allow your other EXE the relevant permissions.