Sure can, a high level conceptual line was added to UML at some point. They are called information flows. The direction of the arrow makes sense to business users as well. The OMG spec covers this pretty well. For the push, pull, etc meta data I would use keywords or stereotypes to convey this. Interfaces, Classes, Data Types can all be referenced by the Information flow as what is traveling between the two classifiers (Components, Classes, etc). Many tools have implemented this construct because of it's usefulness despite in being and auxiliary construct.
Link to OMG spec and location: Section 17.2 on printed page 609. Superstructure, ie what you use (
17.2 InformationFlows
The InformationFlows package provides mechanisms for specifying the exchange of information between entities of a
system at a high level of abstraction. Information flows describe circulation of information in a system in a general
manner. They do not specify the nature of the information (type, initial value), nor the mechanisms by which this
information is conveyed (message passing, signal, common data store, parameter of operation, etc.). They also do not
specify sequences or any control conditions. It is intended that, while modeling in detail, representation and realization
links will be able to specify which model element implements the specified information flow, and how the information
will be conveyed.
The contents of the InformationFlows package is shown in Figure 17.2. The InformationFlows package is one of the
packages of the AuxiliaryConstructs package.