In code behind file of the main window of WPF application I have a method quering a database with LINQ to SQL and writing results to an ObservableCollection:
public void GetStateByDate(string shcode)
MydbDataContext contextSts = new MydbDataContext();
var sts = from p in contextSts.SAties where p.ShID == shcode select p;
foreach (var p in sts)
_ShAvaQuCollection.Add(new ShAvaQu
ShCode = p.ShID,
SiID = p.SiID,
PrCat = p.PrCat
When I call this method from the same code behind file (the same window), everything is OK.
If I call this method from another window, using an instanse of the main window, ObservableCollection remains empty.:
SWindow sw = new SWindow();
What is the reason for this? Does in this case method create yet another instance of ObservableCollection?
(I can see in debugger that sw._ShAvaQuCollection
contains values. Is sw._ShAvaQuCollection
not the same instanse of collection as _ShAvaQuCollection
? If yes, how it can be resolved?)
Edited (added)
The ObservableCollection declared this way:
ObservableCollection<ShAvaQu> _ShAvaQuCollection =
new ObservableCollection<ShAvaQu>();
public ObservableCollection<ShAvaQu> ShAvaQuCollection
{ get { return _ShAvaQuCollection; } }
public class ShAvaQu
public string ShCode { get; set; }
public string SiID { get; set; }
public int PrCat { get; set; }
I call the method from a window, where another collection ShQuCollection
displayed through ListView. In SelectionChanged event handler I take an argument for this database quering:
private void ShSelList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
SWindow sw = new SWindow();
string str = sw.ShQuCollection[ShSelList.SelectedIndex].ShCode;