I am working on a ASP.NET website that needs popups in a modal window similar to JS confirm and alert. How would I do this on client and/or server side?
Are you using any specific library? Many popular libraries have this built in or available as plugins
dijit.dialog (Dojo)
MochaUI (Mootools)
Justin Johnson
2010-01-10 21:05:51
No, I am not using a library
2010-01-10 22:06:11
Are you not using a library *yet* or are you unable to use a library at all. I would suggest that you look into one to help mitigate cross-browser compatibility issues.
Justin Johnson
2010-01-11 03:07:37
I am unable to the library. Is ajax modal control a good fit?
2010-01-13 16:37:57
Anything like this..
windowHandle = window.open("*.html", ID, "modal,toolbar=false,location=false,directories=false,status=false,menubar=false,scrollbars=no,resizable=no);
2010-01-20 12:25:56