




Hi, I am using EXT JS and .NET, Basically I am loading a JSON object into the POST and trying to send this to my asp.net page. I assign the JSON object into the ExtJS 'jsonData' parameter

function saveReport(params_pass){
                  url: 'Controllers/UIController.aspx?cmd=SAVEREPORT',
                  method: 'POST',
                  jsonData: params_pass,
                  disableCaching: true,
                  async: false,
                  waitMsg: 'Processing form data...',
                  callback: function(options, success, response){


In Firefox, i have confirmed , in the console, that the JSON in the 'POST' tab exists.

{"reportId":"1","reportTitle":"","recencyTitle":"Recency: trasaction Since Last Action","frequencyTitle":"Frequency of Purchases","isDefault":false,"items":[{"title":"37 or more","value":"37","units":"months","oper":"lte","reportType":"Recency"},{"title":"19 to ","value":"19,36","units":"months","oper":"between","reportType":"Recency"},"title":"13 to 18","value":"13,18","units":"months","oper":"between","reportType":"Recency"}]} 

So then in VS am trying to extract this data from the .NET (HttpWebRequest) Request object. I have scoured the object for this post data and cannot seem to find it anywhere. i figured it would be in my Request.Params property, but no luck. not anywhere that i can find.

Can someone help me out here?? Thanks!


Look in the body of the POST.

Jonathan Julian