I have a basic PDF file that I has 5 different blank content areas that I want to use iTextSharp to write text too. The problem is I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this. I have attempted to use ColumnText to accomplish this, but I cannot seem to add multiple ColumnText objects.
ColumnText tagColumn = new ColumnText(pdfContentByte);
tagColumn.SetSimpleColumn(460, 100, 620, 160);
string[] tagColors = bt.DealerTagColor.Split('|');
Font tagFont = FontFactory.GetFont(bt.DealerTagFont, bt.DealerTagSize, Font.NORMAL, new BaseColor(int.Parse(tagColors[0]), int.Parse(tagColors[1]), int.Parse(tagColors[2])));
Paragraph p = new Paragraph(dto.Tag, tagFont);
p.Leading = bt.DealerTagSize;
What I like about the ColumnText is it allows me to essential define a heigth/width, and position of the text area.
Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this with or without using ColumnText? I just need to have control of the font/fontsize/font color/leading/and width of the area which will allow the text to wrap.