hi, I just tried a simple code(in C#) which adds a record to a table in my access data base. I just added the data base in visual studio by "Add => Existing Item..." to my project and then in the data set that was created automatically after adding the data base I added a simple INSERT query. now here is my code :
here this code does not seem work :
Database2DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter adapter = new WindowsFormsApplication4.Database2DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter();
adapter.InsertQuery("one", "22");
and even this way :
Database2DataSet.Table1DataTable tb1 = new Database2DataSet.Table1DataTable();
Database2DataSet.Table1Row row = tb1.NewTable1Row();
row.Name = "hey";
row.Tel = "45454";
Database2DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter adapter = new Database2DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter();
but seems update does not work and i cannot see the added records to my data base when ever I try to retrive data from the data base within the visual studio's server explorer or MS Access when I open the data base file(Even no exceptions occurs):( some say vs makes a copy of the data base in Bin folder how can I stop that so I can add records directly to the main access data base and I can edit those records by openning the data base in the MS Access. Tnx.