I have an abstract base class with a TcpClient field:
public abstract class ControllerBase
internal protected TcpClient tcpClient;
It has a method to setup a connection:
private void setupConnection(IPAddress EthernetAddress, ushort TcpPort)
if (this.tcpClient == null || !this.tcpClient.Connected)
this.tcpClient = new TcpClient();
this.tcpClient.Connect(EthernetAddress, TcpPort);
catch(Exception ex)
throw new TimeoutException("The device did not respond.\n" + ex.Message);
And than methods to request data:
internal protected virtual byte[] requestData(IPAddress EthernetAddress, ushort TcpPort, byte[] data, bool IgnoreResponse)
setupConnection(EthernetAddress, TcpPort);
//The rest of the code uses this.tcpClient
There are a few others, such as requestRawData, etc... they are required for very specific hardware communication protocols, but that's not part of this question in any way.
I then have classes that derive from this class and they override the base class methods:
public class Controller : ControllerBase
internal virtual byte[] requestData(byte[] data, bool IgnoreResponse)
return base.requestData(this.eth0.EthernetAddress, this.eth0.TcpPort, data, IgnoreResponse);
The code works without any exceptions, but everytime the setupConnection method is called, the TcpClient instance (tcpClient) seems to be disposed, so a new one is created and the connect method is called again, really slowing down the communication process.
Note: Public methods of the child class call the requestData method, abstracting many details from the developer using this library.
Such as SetDevicePower(byte PowerLevel), QueryDeviceName() etc...
Code such as this:
Controller controller = new Controller("",34000);
string name = controller.QueryDeviceName();
causes the connect method to be called twice... why is it being disposed between calls?