



Straight to the point:

Where can I place the algoritm for password hash encryption in Membership Provider? or: Where did Microsoft team place the encryption method?

Because: I chose to have it Hash but password ended up in my database are plain.

Thank you very much :)

----- Update

Sorry for not mention, im using my own custom provider.

+1  A: 

Not sure, but I think passwords are saved in plain text because 'password retrieval' is enabled. You can disable this by setting <membership ... enablePasswordRetrieval="False"/> in Web.config.

Even though i tried to turn this option to false, the hash couldn't make it to the database... I don't know where the problem is.
+1  A: 

It's an option on the provider in the XML config. The docs show that you just set "passwordFormat='hashed'".

Noon Silk
MembershipPasswordFormat.Hashed -> i go straight for this in my config
And it's not working? What provider are you actually using? The SqlMembershipProvider? Check the source code for it, and see how it makes use of that field.
Noon Silk
Actually, im using my own Provider, i forgot to mention abouve, can you send me a source for the CreateUser method?
I think there could be the problem from my code that might submit the password directly to database, but where can i find the method to hash the password before i can submit it to my database? That's might be the problem for this case.
Yes, that's definitely the problem. In that case you just want to learn how to hash the password before setting it. Hash it with SHA-256 or above:, there are plenty of examples how to do it (take the bytes that you get, and convert into Hex (base16) and store.
Noon Silk
+1  A: 

This is specified in the Membership Provider configuration of your webconfig, using the add element:

<!-- SqlMembershipProvider syntax -->
<add name="string" 

The default algorithm is SHA1, as defined in the membership provider, but you can override this if you want to using the hashAlgorithmType attribute:

  defaultProvider="provider name"
  userIsOnlineTimeWindow="number of minutes"

For more details on providing your own algorithm, see "Mapping Algorithm Names to Cryptography Classes".

Note that the format overrides things like password retrieval - hashed passwords can't be retrieved, and a provider should return an exception if GetPassword is called on them when the password is hashed (see EnablePasswordRetrieval property).

If you have written your own MembershipProvider, I suggest you take a look at the "How to: Sample Membership Provider Implementation", especially the methods EncodePassword and UnencodePassword.

Zhaph - Ben Duguid
Yes, i've worked out to include generation of hashcode at CreateUser and ValidateUser, ChangePassword. these 3 method used password so it's nessesary to hash all of them.
Yes - each of those will need to call into the EncodePassword method.
Zhaph - Ben Duguid