



We're running SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS) with a custom security extension to integrate with our ASP.NET's Forms Authentication, and are seeing a peculiar problem on one environment only.

The SSRS portal itself works fine - can see list of reports and execute them ok. The problem is when running the reports from our custom ASP.NET application. User gets to see list of reports just fine (which is determined by hitting SSRS web service), but when clicking on a report to run it via the report viewer, we get the following error:

Event code: 4006 Event message: Membership credential verification failed. Request path: ..._ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx

This then leads to another error: Logon failed. (rsLogonFailed) But I think the Membership credential is the root cause as it always shows before the rsLogonFailed.

Looks like one cause of this error is a missing applicationName in web.config - I've checked that it is set and matches the aspnet_Applications table.

Also I've made sure SP2 has been applied to SSRS.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks, Krip