



I have the following test code to search a generic list:

public void DoSearch(string searchTerm)

IList<MyEntity> entities = GetCollectionOfEntities();

IList<MyEntity> results = entities.Where(d => d.Description.Contains(searchTerm)).ToList();


I want to pass an order by parameter (which would be a property of MyEntity) and of course order my results based on that. I understand LINQ uses OrderBy but do not understand how to order by a property of MyEntity.

+5  A: 

You just use a Func<TSource,TKey> to specify the property that you want to order by:

DoSearch("foo", e => e.SomeProperty);

// ...

public void DoSearch<TKey>(string searchTerm, Func<MyEntity, TKey> orderBy)
    IList<MyEntity> entities = GetCollectionOfEntities();

    IList<MyEntity> results = entities
                              .Where(e => e.Description.Contains(searchTerm))

    // etc
Okay this is a good start but how would I go about passing this as a parameter so that my method signature would be public void DoSearch(string searchTerm, orderby)...?
Not at all or using Reflection (which is slow and probably not useful in general). The Func<> way is really the best way to go here imo. +1
Benjamin Podszun
Excellent. Cheers for the help.
@youwhut: You'd need to pass the `Func<S,K>` into the method itself. I've updated the answer to demonstrate.
    public void DoSearch(string searchTerm, Func<MyEntity, PropertyType> selector)


IList entities = GetCollectionOfEntities();

IList results = entities .Where(d => d.Description.Contains(searchTerm)) .OrderBy(selector) .ToList();


DoSearch("searchTerm", entity => entity.Property)

PropertyType is the type of the property you want to sort. Else you could make it Generic like this:

    public void DoSearch<TKey>(string searchTerm, Func<MyEntity, Tkey> selector)

And call it.