





I'd like to use LibTiff to access very large TIFF files. I need functions like multiple pages and tiles, and so LibTiff seems to be the right way to go. Can anyone help me on how to use LibTiff from C#? I've found some links (like blog.bee-ee which contained partial code. But I couln't get beyond getting a version. I've looked at FreeImage but found it not suitable (pictures are approx. 800 MPixel 8 or 16 bit grayscale --> 800-1600 MByte) size and I can't load it in memory in a 32-bit environment)

I'm very experienced in C/C++, but not yet in C#. Can anyone help me to a wrapper or some hints?

Note: I need pages to access pyramidical planes (multi-resolution) in a tiff, and tiles of 256x256 to have fast access to different parts of the image without loading it at once.

[Edit] The LibTIFF.NET solution seemed most practical for me. I'm now integrating it in a product development, and it will propably save me a lot of headaches from going in/out of managed memory. I have not yet tried the 'callback' functionality, which seems to be solved nicely in a .net way. Thanks for the help on stackoverflow [/Edit]

+2  A: 

WIC provides support for very large image files. There's a nice wrapper for it in the .NET framework: TiffBitmapDecoder.

Hans Passant
Can you add some links? From what I have seen, TiffBitmapDecoder tries to load an image in memory at once. I can't do that. Pictures > 1 GByte will always fail on a 32-bit machine due to fragmentation. are you referring to windows7-specifics (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee720061%28VS.85%29.aspx)?
No, TBD doesn't store an image. Start here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms748873.aspx
Hans Passant
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately my experience is different. The steps outlined in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms748873.aspx do try to allocate a single block of memory with the size of the 1 frame of the bitmap.I need access to every pixel in the bitmap (so no fit-to-screen memory save option), just not necessarily in one chunk of memory. When I try to run the tiff decoder as given in the example, it generally fails on bitmaps > 10k * 10k. And these are just my 'small test files'. My target is 800MPixel x 16 bit. That's why I look for tiled TIFF files.
Hmya, you can't get a 400 MB image loaded on a 32-bit operating system. Switch to a 64-bit OS or read the image in portions.
Hans Passant
Yeah. This is why I was looking into tiles. The switch to a 64 bit OS would solve part of the issues, but still get large latencies to read the entire file before doing any processing. Harddisks are slower than cpu's nowadays. Also I like the possibilities of pyramid tiff files (i.e. having low-res images ready in the same file for previews etc.)

My initial solution was to use a C#.NET wrapper for the LibTIFF DLL. I have found it on libtiff ftp. It seems to contain all important methods of the LIBTiff library. It keeps memory in unmanaged LibTIFF memory; this means that the C# code needs to be aware of this and copy data when it needs to be processed in safe code.

My 'tile reading code' to test it read like

if (LibTIFF.IsTiled(tiff))
    if (LibTIFF.GetField(tiff, (int)TIFFTags.TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, out tileWidth) &&
        LibTIFF.GetField(tiff, (int)TIFFTags.TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, out tileLength))
        uint tiles = 0;
        IntPtr pTile = LibTIFF._malloc((int)(tileLength*tileWidth*bitsPerSample/2));
        for (uint y = 0; y < imageLength; y += tileLength)
            for (uint x = 0; x < imageWidth; x += tileWidth)
                LibTIFF.ReadTile(tiff, pTile, x, y, 0, 0);

I'll go for the .NET port of LibTIFF though, but this solution may be the right one for other people, so I leave it on StackOverflow.

+1  A: 

You can try our LibTiff.Net. It is free and open source version of LibTiff written using managed C#. API of our implementation kept very similar to original one's.


We've just released it, so there may be bugs. But full source code comes with a number of test, so most obvious bugs should be fixed.

Thanks. My first tests are looking good. Although I found a wrapper class, it did not have a known author and I would sooner or later get to some issues with the access to managed/unmanaged memory resources. Benchmarks showed me equivalent performance on reading of non-compressed files, and a 50% perfomance hit on Adobe compressed pyramidical tiled tiffs. This is acceptable for me. I may decide not to use compression, and I'll be better of making my software multi-core friendly than solving memory issues.
Thanks, Adriaanour implementation is definitely slower than original due language of choice :-)
I don't mind. For my project performance means functionality/euro. And development hours are 95% of the cost. I can easily throw in a quadcore to compensate for this. Besides, when I stay away from compression the difference is small. And my files only compress about 10%, so that's only a lousy 100MByte per file ;-)