



I'm trying to display an ASPxGridView using a JQuery UI modal dialog. The grid is configured to use callbacks to access the server (seems to be the best/fastest solution).

I'm able to show it via a normal postback, but am unable to run any callbacks correctly. The first click on a pager link will callback to the server and the correct results are shown, but the EndCallback client side event is never triggered, so my custom code is never run. On a second click on the pager or auto filter, the callback is never executed. By debugging a bit into obfuscated javascript code I can see that the aspxGetControlCollection() method which should return the list of grids and grid columns in the page is empty.

The problem seems to be related to the way JQuery UI moves the dialog container in the body. Unfortunately, the scripts and the already created javascript objects seems to remaing dangling.

Has anyone successfully implemented this scenario?

If I disable the callbacks the grid seems to behave normally, albeit slower (uses the containing UpdatePanel to dump only the required DOM elements and code).

As always the devexpress forum is useless; I haven't got a single answer in ~2 weeks.