I'm trying to do a similar thing, but the layout only works if I put into one of the following directories:
I don't want to put it into the former because I read that base/default should stay the same, always. I don't want to put it into the latter because it's my theme package folder, which is not the correct place for an unrelated module.
I'm running Where should I put this file?
EDIT: Got an answer on #magento
<Groenleer> mattalexx: you should not modify wiles in app/design/frontend/base i (personally) see no problems in adding XML files. Hence it is the only directory you can trust on is present on the user system.
<rooty> mattalexx: place it in base (or default if your still coding 1.3)
<mattalexx> rooty,
<rooty> it will bubble up
<mattalexx> I've heard I should completely not touch that folder, as if it were part of the core.
<rooty> well thats true if your writing a customer module
<rooty> but if its a community module your planning on releasing to everyone
<rooty> thats the place to put it in
<mattalexx> rooty, I like to write customer modules as if I am to be releasing it to the world later. Usually it means that they're more portable
<mattalexx> Hm, okay, that's great. Thanks rooty
<Groenleer> then go with the base/default
<Groenleer> but don't change any existing files to make yours work.
TL;DR: Use app/design/frontend/base/defaut/layout/[MYMODULE].xml