I'm just touching the surface of the x86 instruction set after a long period of high level programming. It's been about 20 years I had my first read on x86 assembly programming and from my googlings I get just lost with the myriad of instruction set references; from ones that mix new generations of processors (286, 386, 486...) to others that add newer x86 instructions. Not to mention the AMD variations.
Since I'm planning on building a boot loader, my first thought was to be fully compliant with 'standard x86' but I can't figure out where in time it is or even if it exists anywhere.
Even Intel documentation seems follow the same path and like another one said, 'we need a x86 instruction set standardisation, the evolution of opcodes is chaotic'.
It's not my idea to hold the standardization banner. I just want to see the road and understand where is the safe place to walk. If anyone could help I'd appreciate a lot!