Great job. Thanks.
Here's the same approach with slight modification for cases that one can't have a reference to the remote assembly. We just need to know basic things such as the class fullname (i.e namespace.classname and the path to the remote assembly).
static void Main(string[] args)
Assembly asm = null;
string assemblyPath = @"C:\works\...\StaticMembers.dll"
string classFullname = "StaticMembers.MySingleton";
string doSomethingMethodName = "DoSomething";
string doSomethingElseMethodName = "DoSomethingElse";
asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
if (asm == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException();
Type[] types = asm.GetTypes();
Type theSingletonType = null;
foreach(Type ty in types)
if (ty.FullName.Equals(classFullname))
theSingletonType = ty;
if (theSingletonType == null)
Console.WriteLine("Type was not found!");
MethodInfo doSomethingMethodInfo =
theSingletonType.GetMethod(doSomethingMethodName );
FieldInfo field = theSingletonType.GetField("instance",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
object instance = field.GetValue(null);
string msg = (string)doSomethingMethodInfo.Invoke(instance, Type.EmptyTypes);
MethodInfo somethingElse = theSingletonType.GetMethod(
doSomethingElseMethodName );
msg = (string)doSomethingElse.Invoke(instance, Type.EmptyTypes);