




Hey guys, thanks for all the help that you can provide. I need a little bit of regex help thats far beyond my knowledge.

I have a listbox with a file name in it, example 3123~101, a delimited file that has 1 line of text in it. I need to Regex everything after the last "\" before the last "-" in the text file. The ending will could contain a prefix then ###{####-004587}.txt The ~ formula is {### + ~# -1.

File name: 3123~101 So Example 1: 3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|Pre0{0442-0500}.txt

Result: X:\directory\Path\Directory\Pre00542.txt

File name: 3123~101 So Example 1: 3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|0{0442-0500}.txt

Result: X:\directory\Path\Directory\00542.txt


You don't seem to be very clear in your examples.

That said,


will capture all text between the last backslash and the last hyphen in whatever it's matched against.

+3  A: 

According your example I've created the following regexp:


The result should be as following:

group1 + "\\" + group2 + "\\" + group3 + group5 + group4 + group6

If you ain't satisfied, you can always give it a spin yourself here.


After remembering me about named groups:


drive + "\\" + path + "\\" + prefix + number1 + number2 + extension
I would have used named groups, but all the same :)
+2  A: 
public static string AdjustPath(string filename, string line)
  int tilde = GetTilde(filename);

  string[] fields = Regex.Split(line, @"\|");

  var addbackslash = new MatchEvaluator(
    m => m.Groups[1].Value + "\\" + m.Groups[2].Value);
  string dir = Regex.Replace(fields[1], @"^([A-Z]:)([^\\])", addbackslash);

  var addtilde = new MatchEvaluator(
    m => (tilde + Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value) - 1).
           PadLeft(m.Groups[1].Value.Length, '0'));

  return Path.Combine(dir, Regex.Replace(fields[2], @"\{(\d+)-.+}", addtilde));

private static int GetTilde(string filename)
  Match m = Regex.Match(filename, @"^.+~(\d+)$");

  if (!m.Success)
    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid filename", "filename");

  return Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);

Call AdjustPath as in the following:

public static void Main(string[] args)
  Console.WriteLine(AdjustPath("3123~101", @"3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|Pre0{0442-0500}.txt"));
  Console.WriteLine(AdjustPath("3123~101", @"3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|0{0442-0500}.txt"));



If instead you want to write the output to a file, use

public static void WriteAdjustedPaths(string inpath, string outpath)
  using (var w = new StreamWriter(outpath))
    var r = new StreamReader(inpath);
    string line;
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
      w.WriteLine("{0}", AdjustPath(inpath, line));

You might call it with

WriteAdjustedPaths("3123~101", "output.txt");

If you want a List<String> instead

public static List<String> AdjustedPaths(string inpath)
  var paths = new List<String>();

   var r = new StreamReader(inpath);
   string line;
   while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
     paths.Add(AdjustPath(inpath, line));

   return paths;

To avoid repeated logic, we should define WriteAdjustedPaths in terms of the new function:

public static void WriteAdjustedPaths(string inpath, string outpath)
  using (var w = new StreamWriter(outpath))
    foreach (var p in AdjustedPaths(inpath))
      w.WriteLine("{0}", p);

The syntax could be streamlined with Linq. See C# File Handling.

Greg Bacon
Thanks, i'll give this a go. How do I even use this though?
I need to add this under the private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) section.
Yeha I can figure out how to write this out to a text file.
I cant figure out, it keeps giving me cannot convert from method group to string
How do you also write the result out to a text file
Thanks for the help. The only thing is all the values are being read in from a text file. and how would i call this under. private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
This a Winform i do appricate th ehelp.
You defiently got the answer!!! If I wanted to make a string of the resulting Adjustedpaths how would you set it up string blah = adjustedpaths?
+1  A: 

A slight variation on gbacon's answer that will also work in older versions of .Net:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine(Adjust("3123~101", @"3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|Pre0{0442-0500}.txt"));
        Console.WriteLine(Adjust("3123~101", @"3123|X:directory\Path\Directory|0{0442-0500}.txt"));

    private static string Adjust(string name, string file)
        Regex nameParse = new Regex(@"\d*~(?<value>\d*)");
        Regex fileParse = new Regex(@"\d*\|(?<drive>[A-Za-z]):(?<path>[^\|]*)\|(?<prefix>[^{]*){(?<code>\d*)");

        Match nameMatch = nameParse.Match(name);
        Match fileMatch = fileParse.Match(file);

        int value = Convert.ToInt32(nameMatch.Groups["value"].Value);

        int code = Convert.ToInt32(fileMatch.Groups["code"].Value);
        code = code + value - 1;

        string drive = fileMatch.Groups["drive"].Value;
        string path = fileMatch.Groups["path"].Value;
        string prefix = fileMatch.Groups["prefix"].Value;

        string result = string.Format(@"{0}:\{1}\{2}{3:0000}.txt",

        return result;
Martin Brown
Do not fight the lambda! :-)
Greg Bacon
One day my boss will allow the upgrade, but I'm still waiting :-(
Martin Brown