Basically I have a div at the very top of my site that I want to hide and when you click a button it pushes the whole site down and reveals its contents. Very similar to this nd.edu (click help center or poplar sites on the right side of the header). I am using jquery to accomplish this. This script works but it is jumpy, since the content in the div has to be accessible if JS is turned off, it has to get the height and then hide it. I'm just looking for a way to make the "drawer" not open than shut when the page is loaded, rather it appears that there is nothing there till you click the link (just like nd.edu). Any help would be great.
// Quick Links Slider Effect// Define Vars
var $links = $('#quick_links');
var height = $links.height();
// Set the height of #quick_links to 0
$links.hide().css({height: 0});
// When slide is click kick of the function
// If its visible aniamate to 0
$links.animate({height: "0"}, {duration: 300, complete: function(){
// Else animate the height down
else {
$links.show().animate({height : height}, {duration: 300});
return false;
Here is my html and css
#quick_links{background:url(../images/drawer_shadow.jpg) bottom left repeat-x #F6F8F7;width:100%; padding-bottom:20px; position:relative; z-index:1;}
#quick_links ul{float:left !important;margin:0 20px 0 20px;}
#quick_links_button{float:right;background:url(../images/umflint-sprite.png) -430px -132px no-repeat;height:24px;width:101px;text-indent:-9999px;}
<div id="quick_links">
<div class="wrapper">
<li>Stuff Goes Here</li>
</div><!-- End Wrapper -->
</div><!-- End QuickLinks -->
<a href="#quick_links" class="slide" id="quick_links_button" name="quick_links_button">Quick Links</a>
<div id="content">
blah blah blah