Hello all i got a mail code like this
body = "Dear " & cName & "," & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your request for the " & vehHeader & " (" & FormatCurrency(vehPrice)& ")" & " has been received and will be reviewed promptly." & vbcrlf & "We will contact you shortly to verify your information." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Thank you for using website"
AppSendMail AppSupportMailto, cEMail, "Confirmation of request...", body
AppReportError "CUBid.asp: Error sending confirmation e-mail."
so this sends an auto response to the customer but this just plain text would i be able to add a photo as an attacthment or is this ASP.NET code is to old? please let me know if you dont understand the code.