



I'm working on a new project in JavaScript that I want to release later. Besides other functionality, this script requires a little DOM manipulation. To make this XB (Cross-Browser) and not inventing the wheel again, I need help of a existing JavaScript library. Because of the large number of great libraries I don't want to force one library for this project. That's why I want to support multiple libraries in one script.

Knowing my jQuery, but other library I don't have enough experience. So I was wondering if theres a tutorial or article that gives light on the supporting multiple JavaScript libraries in a script?

I've read somewhere that the same is possible with CSS selector engines (Sizzle, Selector.js, Peppy, NWMatcher, cssQuery), but I don't know about JS.

+2  A: 

Well, with jQuery, you can use the $.noConflict() function to remove the '$' and 'jQuery' variables from the global namespace, preventing possible issues if other parts of the page use another version of jQuery or another library that declares the '$' variable.

Here's a simple example...

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- load plugins you require here -->
<script type="text/javascript">

var myUniquelyNamedVar = {};
myUniquelyNamedVar.jQuery = $.noConflict(true);  // de-aliases jQuery, but gives you a private reference (if you need it)

(function($) {
    // use an anonymous function and pass in your private jQuery instance;  inside this function you can use $ like normal...

I've used this approach with JSR-168 portlets and had great success. It allows me to have several portlets on a page, each of which could be using a different version of jQuery or different plugins.

Drew Wills
The `noConflict` had nothing to do with the implementation in a new script. jQuery mite not even been used.
+1  A: 

I don't think there's a lot about the common frameworks that's similar enough to usefully abstract them anyway. Stick to regular DOM as much as possible.

About the only useful, reusable operation I can think of that many frameworks provide in a similar fashion would be the selector engine. So something like:

function querySelectorAll(selector) {
    if ('querySelectorAll' in document)
        return document.querySelectorAll(selector);  // native Selectors-API is best
    if ('jQuery' in window)
        return jQuery(selector);  // returns a wrapper object, but it's enough like an array
    if ('$$' in window)
        return $$(selector);  // prototype
    if ('YAHOO' in window && 'util' in YAHOO && 'Selector' in YAHOO.util)
        return YAHOO.util.Selector.query(selector);  // yui
    // others?
    throw 'No selector engine found';
Yeah, this is for CSS selector engines. Looks like this same approach isn't possible for the library itself, due to the very different ways they are put together.

The second comment on this page gives an interesting answer: Swiss – a JavaScript framework framework.

Just found a script that uses adapters to support multiple javascript libraries: