When I choose an image and push upload, I get this error in my controller: Notice (8): Undefined index: File [APP/controllers/garage_car_images_controller.php, line 22]
I've also noticed that the $form->create line shown below does NOT generate form code in the inspected html. This is VERY weird.
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!
My view code:
<div class="title_plate">
<h1 id="title_plate_header">add image</h1>
<div id="overlay_content">
echo $form->create('GarageCarImage', array('controller' => 'garage_car_images','action' => 'add', 'type' => 'file'));
echo $form->file('File');
echo $form->hidden('garage_car_id', array('value' => $this->params['pass'][0]));
echo "<br><br>";
echo "Make this image the default? " . $form->input('default', array('type' => 'select', 'label' => false, 'options' => array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
echo "<br>";
echo $form->submit('Upload');
echo $form->end();
My controller code:
if (!empty($this->data) &&
is_uploaded_file($this->data['GarageCarImage']['File']['tmp_name'])) {
$fileData = fread(fopen($this->data['GarageCarImage']['File']['tmp_name'], "r"),
$this->data['GarageCarImage']['type'] = $this->data['GarageCarImage']['File']['type'];
$this->data['GarageCarImage']['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');