




Good day, just when i thought i was done.

I can no longer go Title to do my filtering. I need to determine the ID to the filtering.

Any examples using VBSCRIPT get the List ID with Web Services to filter on for UpdateListItems

'some vars url = "http://srv08-za143/workspace/departments/masterfiles/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx" list = "Vendor Request" id = 2 title = "test"'wscript.arguments(0)

'the caml batch = "" 'batch = "" batch = batch + " "

batch = batch + " " batch = batch + " 1" batch = batch + " AB Test" batch = batch + " AB Test" batch = batch + " 999999" batch = batch + " 999999"

batch = batch + " " batch = batch + ""

'soap wrapper plus some info in body request = "" request = request + "" request = request + " " request = request + " " request = request + " " & list & "" request = request + " " & batch & "" request = request + " " request = request + " " request = request + ""

'post it up and look at the response with CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") .open "POST", url, False , null, null .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" .setRequestHeader "SOAPAction","http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/UpdateListItems" .send request 'wscript.echo .responseText end with

Please help