Is there a way for a SQL 2005 stored procedure to open a XML file in the file system (for exampe C:\Temp\Test.xml ) and edit a value within that file? I am working with a SQL 2005 database (containing metadata) that stores XML data separately in files (instead of using built-in SQL XML features).
i like that answer. it doesn't say whether or not "writing the updated XML" back out to the file is possible or not. this seems like it will work but unfortunately it requires a whole bunch of extra work:
2010-01-12 18:33:18
following its code, isnt directly possible; but you can also to write a managed stored procedure:
Rubens Farias
2010-01-12 18:33:33
i was afraid it was going to be that difficult. thanks, i'll use that method but its going to be a mountain to climb for me...
2010-01-12 21:48:40