



jquery sliders contain a "animate" opton that when set to "true" will slide the handle into postion when the slider bar is clicked.

Im using my slider to scroll the content in another div, creating a similar eeffect as the one on the apple website.

the problem is that when i click the sliderbar it smoothly animates the handle but not the other div. i have the other div scrolling on the "slide" and "change" events. any ideas how i can achieve smooth scrolling for the other div?

Thanks in advance, oh gods of jQuery.

my code:

var list = $('.sliderGallery ul');

    animate: true,
    slide: function(event, ui) { list.css('left', '-' + ui.value + 'px'); },
    change: function(event, ui) { list.css('left', '-' + ui.value + 'px'); }
+1  A: 

It's been a while since I used JavaScript but as far as I remember jQuery you can try to do the same thing you are already doing but using animation effect. Try this:

var list = $('.sliderGallery ul');

    animate: true,
    slide: function(event, ui) { list.animate({'left': '-' + ui.value + 'px'}, 'normal'); },
    change: function(event, ui) { list.animate({'left': '-' + ui.value + 'px'}, 'normal'); }

This code may not work right away but it hopefully might serve as a starting point. Here's a link to this function documentation: animate( params, [duration], [easing], [callback] ) in Effects/animate.

Ivan Karpan
that doesn't really cut it. thanks though.
Hey Ped! I can look at it more and hopefully come up with a working solution, but I seriously lack testing environment. Would you mind adding to your question a simple implementation of the thing you're trying to achieve that will have the same problem of not being smooth enough. It'll be much easier ( and not for me only, I'm sure) to help you if helping you wouldn't require additional efforts to build a sandbox.
Ivan Karpan