
You need to specify a "receive" event handler for when the dragged item is received, such as

    connectWith: ["#userList"],
    receive: function(event, ui) {
       objectMoved(ui.sortable, this);

function objectMoved(obj, newContainer) {
   /* here you would either perform some sort of AJAX request,
    * or dynamically add/update a form-field for POSTing if you
    * are doing standard form submission

You'll also need to attach the same receive event to "userList"

Note that I haven't used the "sortable" ui helper before, but it should be a similar principle to "draggable" and "droppable", and I've based my example on what I know from these other two helpers - if it's not entirely correct, it should be close.

Hi, Thank you so much for your quick response.. I truely appreciate this...
Did this work for you?


It is working perfectly for me... Am using the hidden field in input tag to capture the value of the dropped item. However, i'm not able to actually capture the value of the dragged variable in IE.. It works fine when i do it in Firefox using this peice of code...

        $("#userList").bind('sortreceive', function(event, ui) {
            var itemList = ui.originalTarget.innerHTML;

I also tried doing this...


However, the windows apparently is not able to recognize the id of the li or the inner html present in the li which is being drag-dropped..

Hey!I figured it out....I just did this... $("#userList").bind('sortreceive', function(event, ui) { var list = $(this).text(); alert(list); });Thank you so much anyway!!!