I've just started working on a project that will involve multiple people entering data from multiple geographic locations. I've been asked to prepare forms in Access 2003 to facilitate this data entry. Right now, copies of the DB (with my tables and forms) will be distributed to each of the sites, returned to me, and then I get to hammer them all together. I can do that, but I'm hoping that there is a better way - if not for this project, then for future projects.
We don't have any funding for real programming support, so it's up to me. I am comfortable with HTML, CSS, and SQL, have played around with Django a fair bit, and am a decently fast learner. I don't have much time to design forms, but they don't have to actually function for a few months.
I think there are some subtantial benefits to web-based forms (primary keys are set centrally, I can monitor data entry, form changes are immediately and universally deployed, I don't have to do tech support for different versions of Access). But I'd love to hear from voices of experience about the actual benefits and hazards of this stuff.
This is very lightweight data entry - three forms attached to three tables, linked by person ID, certainly under 5000 total records. While this is hardly bank account-type information, I do take the security of these data seriously, so that's an additional consideration. Specific technology recommendations welcomed.
Thanks in advance, and let me know if you have any questions.