



I have a simple link click simulation that I want to do using jquery. From what I've read, this should work, but the below code doesn't seem to work. Nothing happens if I do the same thing as a part of some other event or something either. Thoughts?

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {

<a id="lnk_0" href=""&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;
+5  A: 

See click():

Triggers the click event of each matched element.

Causes all of the functions that have been bound to that click event to be executed.

The important thing to note is that it does not duplicate clicking the link. It only triggers associated events. If you want to change location:

var link = $("#link_0");;
window.location.href = link.attr("href");

but even that is only an approximation as it doesn't cater for handlers stopping event propagation.

Okay, thanks for clarifying that. I've actually spent some time staring at that exact documentation. I would think that navigating to the new location qualifies as an "associated event." I guess, technically, it's not? :/I will accept this answer, but SLaks input below is also very helpful. Let this stand as the answer to programmers once and for all! $("#my_hyperlink").click() will not cause the browser to navigate!
+1  A: 

Calling jQuery's click method will invoke any click handlers that you've added, but will not click the link.

You need to write

window.location = $("#lnk_0").attr('href');

(This assumes that there aren't any click event handlers)

EDIT: In response to your comment, you can call the IE-only DOM click method, like this:

if ($("#lnk_0")[0].click)
    window.location = $("#lnk_0").attr('href');
SLaks, thanks for your solution. Only problem is it has the really annoying side effect of losing the Referer URL header in IE, which is what I'm trying to prevent.