something like this for hours
select s.[user], datediff(hh,s.time,e.time) as duration
from actiontable s
join actiontable e on s.[user] = e.[user] and e.actionname = 'enddoing'
where s.actionname = 'startdoing'
give me this:
user duration
---------- -----------
userX 745
changing to datediff(minute,s.time,e.time)
gives this
user duration
---------- -----------
userX 44700
this will work for an entire table of users and their start and end times if you only have one start and end time for each... if you don't have only one then it gets a little more complicated -- the easy way (with mssql 2005+) is to do something like like this:
;with sitems as
select [user], max([time]) as [time]
from actiontable
where actionname = 'startdoing'
group by [user]
), eitems as
select [user], max([time]) as [time]
from actiontable
where actionname = 'enddoing'
group by [user]
select s.[user], datediff(minute,s.time,e.time) as duration
from sitems s
join eitems e on s.[user] = e.[user]