



I am getting a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error when converting a PDF to SWF using the pdf2swf from swftools. Has anyone come across this or knows what could be wrong.

The notices I get before the error are:

NOTICE File contains jpeg pictures
NOTICE file contains soft masks
NOTICE file contains forms
NOTICE file contains transparency groups
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This may be impossible to help me but worth a shot.

+1  A: 

use gdb and attach to the core dump and see what happened...

+1  A: 

And try running pdf2swf with "-O 1" flag.

What does this do? It makes my text very blur and looks like a low res jpg instead vector? I cannot find this option in the manual :)
these are optimization flags provided to pdf2swf. -O <LEVEL>, last time I used pdf2swf, there were 2 levels. level one converts all the polygons to bitmap and level 2 converted everything into bitmaps including text. So with 'O -1' your text shouldn't get blurred unless it is some kind of clipart.
+1  A: 

Check dmesg and you will probably see something similar to:

pdf2swf[23607]: segfault at 0 ip 00f88400 sp bf8af690 error 4 in[f7e000+34000]

indicating that the segfault is coming from libjpeg. Downgrading to libjpeg7 solved this issue for me (Fedora Core 12).
