



I'm inserting rows into a table from other tables in the SQL Server management Studio and some records violates a unique constraint because initial data is 'dirty' and is inconsistent.

How can I find which records violate?


Unfortunately your only solution is to validate the constrain with a query against the source data to find the culprits. If you'd use something like SSIS you could configure it to skip over the rows that violated the constraint(s).

Remus Rusanu
sad, really. the rdbms knows which failed. It just doesn't tell you.
Stephanie Page

Work out what the key is, and try some of the following:

1) Data already exists:

select sourcekeyfield from sourcetable where exists (select * from desttable where destkeyfield=sourcekeyfield)

2) Duplicates in source:

select sourcekeyfield, count() from sourcetable group by sourcekeyfield having count()>1

Oliver Townshend