




In Qt, I can get the selected text of a QComboBox by using the combobox->currentText() method. How can I get the selected value?

I checked over http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/qcombobox.html for help but I couldn't find a method currentData() which I expected to find. I could only find combobox->currentIndex()

Is there a smarter way to do it other than combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex())?

+3  A: 

you can set QVariant data for all items, then you can get the value when you need it.

there is an example code for this situation:

ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("128 m", QVariant(128));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("256 m", QVariant(256));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("512 m", QVariant(512));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("1024 m", QVariant(1024));


void Page::onComboSheetSizeChanged( int index )
 int value = ui.comboBoxSheetSize->itemData(index).toInt();

by the way, i think i misunderstood your question. i think the way you get data is smart enough?

+2  A: 

It seems you need to do combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex()) if you want to get the current data of the QComboBox.

If you are using your own class derived from QComboBox, you can add a currentData() function.

Patrice Bernassola
Thanks. I just used this tip in my program.
Brian Stinar