For SQL Server 2005, 2008
The table and some data to test
CREATE TABLE CompetitorDetail
ID int
,CompetitorID int
,oDate datetime
,Price decimal(19, 4)
INSERT INTO CompetitorDetail
( ID, CompetitorID, oDate, Price )
SELECT 1, 1, '2010-01-01', 100.0 UNION
SELECT 2, 1, '2010-01-02', 110.0 UNION
SELECT 3, 1, '2010-01-03', 99.0 UNION
SELECT 4, 2, '2010-01-01', 102.2 UNION
SELECT 5, 2, '2010-01-02', 112.2 UNION
SELECT 6, 2, '2010-01-03', 99.2 UNION
SELECT 7, 3, '2010-01-01', 100.3 UNION
SELECT 8, 3, '2010-01-02', 110.3 UNION
SELECT 9, 3, '2010-01-03', 99.3 ;
Start of the period and number of days
/* First day of the peroid */
DECLARE @StartDate datetime
,@NumberOfDays int
SET @StartDate = '2010-01-01'
SET @NumberOfDays = 31
Dynamic columns = dynamic sql
/* Table to compose dynamic query */
id int IDENTITY(1, 1)
,txt nvarchar(500)
/* Start composing dynamic query */
INSERT INTO @qw ( txt ) VALUES ( 'CompetitorID' )
Continue composing the dynamic query
/* Helpers */
@dte datetime
,@str varchar(10)
,@i int
/* Compose dynamic query */
SET @i = 0
WHILE @i < @NumberOfDays
SET @dte = DATEADD(d, @i, @StartDate)
SET @str = CONVERT(varchar(10), @dte, 121)
INSERT INTO @qw ( txt )
SELECT ',MAX(CASE oDate WHEN ''' + @str + ''' THEN Price ELSE NULL END) AS [' + @str + ']'
SET @i = @i + 1
/* Finish the dynamic query */
INSERT INTO @qw (txt) VALUES ( 'FROM CompetitorDetail' )
INSERT INTO @qw (txt) VALUES ( 'GROUP BY CompetitorID' )
INSERT INTO @qw (txt) VALUES ( 'ORDER BY CompetitorID' )
Concatenate into a variable and execute
/* Create a variable with dynamic sql*/
DECLARE @exe nvarchar(4000)
SET @exe=''
SELECT @exe = @exe + txt + ' ' FROM @qw ORDER BY id
/* execute dynamic sql */
EXEC sp_executesql @exe
CompetitorID 2010-01-01 2010-01-02 2010-01-03 2010-01-04 ... 2010-01-31
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ... ----------
1 100.0000 110.0000 99.0000 NULL ... NULL
2 102.2000 112.2000 99.2000 NULL ... NULL
3 100.3000 110.3000 99.3000 NULL ... NULL