One can enumerate the called method parameter types/information like this:
private void SomeMethod(int thisValue, string thatValue)
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in stackTrace.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().GetParameters())
string name = pInfo.Name;
string type = pInfo.GetType().ToString();
But is there any way to get the actual object of each parameter?
EDIT: My goal is to enumerate all parameters and get their values. Using LinQ Expressions, one can get the parameter value like so:
private void SomeMethod(int thisValue, string thatValue)
object valueOfThis = GetParameterValue(() => thisValue);
object valueOfThat = GetParameterValue(() => thatValue);
private object GetParameterValue<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expr)
var body = ((MemberExpression)expr.Body);
return ((FieldInfo)body.Member).GetValue(((ConstantExpression)body.Expression).Value);
But what I would like to do is something like:
foreach (fooObject o in thisMethod.GetParameterObjects())
object someValue = GetParameterValue(() => fooObject);
And thereby have a generic method for collection all parameters and their values.