So, just for fun, I've been playing with a CountedList type in Haskell, using Peano numbers and smart constructors.
Type-safe head
and tail
just seem really cool to me.
And I think I've reached the limit of what I know how to do
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module CountedList (
Zero, Succ, CountedList,
toList, ofList,
empty, cons, uncons,
head, tail,
fmap, map, foldl, foldr, filter
) where
import qualified List (foldr, foldl, filter)
import Prelude hiding (map, head, foldl, foldr, tail, filter)
data Zero
data Succ n
data CountedList n a = CL [a]
toList :: CountedList n a -> [a]
toList (CL as) = as
ofList :: [a] -> CountedList n a
ofList [] = empty
ofList (a:as) = cons a $ ofList as
empty :: CountedList Zero a
empty = CL []
cons :: a -> CountedList n a -> CountedList (Succ n) a
cons a = CL . (a:) . toList
uncons :: CountedList (Succ n) a -> (a, CountedList n a)
uncons (CL (a:as)) = (a, CL as)
head :: CountedList (Succ n) a -> a
head = fst . uncons
tail :: CountedList (Succ n) a -> CountedList n a
tail = snd . uncons
instance Functor (CountedList n) where
fmap f = CL . fmap f . toList
map :: (a -> b) -> CountedList n a -> CountedList n b
map = fmap
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> CountedList n b -> a
foldl f a = List.foldl f a . toList
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> CountedList n a -> b
foldr f b = List.foldr f b . toList
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> CountedList n a -> CountedList m a
filter p = ofList . List.filter p . toList
(sorry for any transcription errors - the machine I originally wrote this on w/ my Haskell compiler is currently down).
Most of what I've done compiles w/o an issue, but I run into issues with ofList
and filter
. I think I understand why - when I say ofList :: [a] -> CountedList n a
, I'm saying ofList :: forall n . [a] -> CountedList n a
- that the list created can be of any desired count type. What I want to write is the equivalent of the pseudo type ofList :: exists n . [a] -> CountedList n a
, but I don't know how.
Is there a workaround that would let me write ofList
and filter
functions like I'm imagining, or have I reached the limit of what I can do with this? I have a sense that there's some trick with existential types that I'm missing.