



Let me start by saying I'm aware there are better version control systems than VSS, and also aware that a "web project" instead of a "web site" may be a better approach. Unfortunately, neither of those suggestions help solve my problem.

Basically, I have a series of AjaxControlToolkit.dll or AjaxControlToolkit.resource.dll files in my web project's bin folder. Each time a new developer begins working on a project, it checks out these files, but Visual Studio does not show them as checked out. The developer needs to go into Visual Source Safe, use [ctrl]+[s] to show all checked out files, and manually check those AjaxControlTollkit files back in.

Is there some file attribute that would cause this? I also have not found a way to 'include' a binary file in the Visual Studio project, although I expect this would be a bad idea considering the project needs to potentially write to this file during compilation.

Suggestions welcome.

** edit ** deleting additional files does not work. A compilation of the solution will actually re-generate all the files in question. I'm not sure if there is a debug/release separate versions of this toolkit, perhaps someone could enlighten me.