




I have an MDX query with the following calculated member:

with member [Measures].[BBOX] as
     CrossJoin([Dim Response].[Response ID].Children, [Dim Question].[Question Text].Children),
     [Measures].[Question Bottom Box] > 0
) )

The idea is that I want a count of the combinations of two members of a dimension. (Forgive me if my MDX vocabulary is a little off). It is also based on some criteria.

The rest of the query looks like this:

select {({[Measures].[TBOX], [Measures].[BBOX]}, [Dim Product].[Category Name].&[Office])} on columns, {[Dim Question].[Question Text].Members} on rows from H1_FY10_Revised where ({[Dim Question].[Category Name].&[Partner]}, {[Dim Subsidiary].[Subsidiary Alias Name].&[Germany]})

My question is ... does the slicing of data that occurs in the main query (the where clause) translate to the calculated member? Is there any sort of implicit join between the data that comes back from the calculated member and the axises in the main query?

Or another way to phrase it ... does the cross join in the calculated member execute in the context of the main query?