I'm creating a update program that will copy over updated .exe files. It needs to check if any of the .exes are running in a terminal session. If the .exes are running it will kill them. This will be a service that is running on the server with admin rights. The code needs to be in Delphi any one have any thoughts on this?
If you check these SO question I believe your question will be answered. They may not be for delphi specifically but the approved answer for the second one provides a link to the MSDN website.
Or another quick search on the web revealed this code snippet. (This is not my code)
function ProcessIdToSessionId(dwProcessId: DWORD; pSessionId: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
function GetSessionIdfromProccessId(const processId: DWORD; var sessionId: DWORD): boolean;
result:=ProcessIdToSessionId(processId, DWORD(@sessionId));
function GetCurrentSessionId: DWORD;
if not GetSessionIdfromProccessId(GetCurrentProcessId,result) then
It seems as if the result from GetCurrentSessionid <> 0 then your running under TS.
There are a group of APIs that can enumerate and retrieve sessions and processes in sessions. The two you may need are WTSEnumerateSessions and WTSEnumerateProcesses.
The processes have to be killed anyway, whether they run under terminal session or not. Can you please clarify - why do you need this info?
The best way to kill process is to use "pskill" until from sysexternals. Just use exec from your Delphi code.