Cletus helped my with this really sweet code yesterday:
This takes the class of my li and changes the class. It works great! I'm wanting to extend this so it will also change the class within the a in the li. How do I do that?
<li class="old_class"><a class="old_class" ...>
<li class="old_class"><a class="old_class" ...>
<li class="old_class"><a class="old_class" ...>
So when I click the first link it would become:
<li class="new_class"><a class="new_class" ...>
<li class="old_class"><a class="old_class" ...>
<li class="old_class"><a class="old_class" ...>
As the code is now, the li class changes, but not the a.
The code I'm using:
$(".old_class").click(function() {
Thank you! I'm using Jquery...