



Is there a list of mobile browsers which I must support and test for?

There are so many mobile devices and browser, it may not be possible to test for all and support all.

Yahoo made a list for Desktop browsers

Does anyone knows any suggested browsers list like this for Mobile browsers.

+1  A: 


It's up to you what devices you want to support. But probably, depending on what you do, you should look into some sort of 3rd party lib to help you. Maybe you'll be interested in DeviceAtlas or WURFL.

Noon Silk

ASP.Net has browser capability detection built in via the System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities class. MSDN did a decent write up a while back on how to use it.

The Mobile Device Browser File is an updated data file on Codeplex for the browser capabilities subsystem with profiles for tons of new mobile devices.

While the MDBF is a giant XML file, it will tell you not only what mobile devices .net is aware of, but their capabilities too.

Ryan Michela

Please check [This project is no longer supported and will be removed on October 29, 2010]

Use It is an ASP.NET open source module which detects mobile devices and provides auto redirection to mobile optimized pages when request is coming from mobile device. It makes use of WURFL mobile device database. For redirection there is no need to modify existing ASP.NET web application pages.

Apart from this it also gives upto-date mobile capability information like manufacturer, model, screen height & width, image formats supported and MANY MORE...... which helps to customize pages for best mobile output.

Amit Patel