



What are these two? I've yet to find a good explanation of either.


Take a look at the information in and There are Javascript examples in both texts.

Seriously do we really want to fill SO with links to wikipedia? Where do we want to find the definitive answers to progamming questions in SO or in Wikipedia?
I don't think SO ist the place for a "definitive answer". Why? Because it contains tons of duplicate questions which are often not closed and redirected correctly.
+2  A: 

1 2 3 4 5 6

Enough? Just a quick google search would help more than you think :)

Ionut Staicu
+6  A: 

Closures have already been well handled in Stackoverflow here is just a selection:-

How does a javascript closure work?
What exactly does “closure” refer to in JavaScript?
can you say this is a right example of Javascript Closure.. Where the places we need to consider avoiding the closures??
JavaScript scope and closure
Javascript Closures and ‘this’ context
JavaScript - How do I learn about “closures” usage?

Callbacks are a simpler concept. A callback is basically where a function accepts another function as a parameter. At some point during execution the called function will execute the function passed as a parameter, this is a callback. Quite often the callback actually happens as an asynchronous event, in which case the called function may return without having executed the callback, that may happen later. Here is a common (browser based) example:-

 function fn() { alert("Hello, World"); }
 window.setTimeout(fn, 5000);

Here the function fn is passed as a callback to the setTimeout function. Set timeout returns immediately however 5 seconds later the function passed as a callback is executed.

Closures and callbacks

Quite often the reason that closures get created (either incidentally, accidentally or deliberately) is the need to create a callback. For example:-

 function AlertThisLater(message, timeout)
     function fn() { alert(message); }
     window.setTimeout(fn, timeout);

 AlertThisLater("Hello, World!", 5000);

(Please read some of the linked posts to grasp closures)

A closure is created containing in part the message parameter, fn is executed quite some time after the call to AlertThisLater has returned, yet fn still has access to the original content of message.

Awesome example. Thank you sir.
Are callbacks most commonly used with setTimeout?
setTimeout is a common usage but equally common would be `onreadystatechange` on the `XmlHttpRequest` object. You will also see extensive usage of callbacks in code that uses Javascript frameworks such as JQuery. In many of these cases the callback is just where you would provide a little logic to customise a large but otherwise standard process. Also callbacks are frequently used to execute the same function over a set of objects.