



I have four tables: Disks, Folders, Files and Links. It is four types of entities, and they can not be merged into one type (e.g. into one table) because they have different number and types of attributes. And there are relationships:

  • Disks can contain Folders, Files and Links;
  • Folders can contain Folders, Files and Links too;
  • Files and Links can't contain anything.

In addition, all entities have order in which they are displayed (e.g. "user defined", not alphabetical or something else). It is a simplified example of the actual problem, in real there are much more entities and relationships are more complicated.

So, what is the proposed structure of tables?

Thanks everyone who answer the question


It's actualy one-to-many relationships as:

  • A Disk has 0 to many Folder and a Folder belongs to exactly 1 Disk
  • A Folder has 0 to many File and a File belongs to exactly 1 Folder
  • A Folder has 0 to many Link and a Link belongs to exactly 1 Folder

er diagram

Disk Table

-- Disk

Item Table representing all folders, files and links.

-- Item
ItemType COMMENT 'Folder|File|Link'

It is up to your business logic to not to have:

  • File belongs to File
  • Link belongs to File
  • Folder belongs to Link

.. and so on

Actually- A Disk has 0 to many Folder- A Disk has 0 to many File- A Disk has 0 to many Link- A Folder has 0 to many Folder- A Folder has 0 to many File- A Folder has 0 to many LinkOn the other hand- Folder belongs to exactly 1 Disk or- Folder belongs to exactly 1 Folder- File belongs to exactly 1 Disk or- File belongs to exactly 1 Folder- Link belongs to exactly 1 Disk or- Link belongs to exactly 1 Folder(!) And all entities should be ordered (in the scope of its parent)So, there is not simple one-to-many relationship
So you saying `files` and `links` can belongs to `disk` without been in a `folder`? Then the less confusion solution is to have a `folder` call **root** that is treated as a specially `folder`

Use link tables

    DiskID int
   ,FileID int
   ,SortOrder int

CREATE TABLE Disk_Folders 
    DiskID int
   ,FolderID int
   ,SortOrder int

    DiskID int
   ,LinkID int
   ,SortOrder int

    FolderID int
   ,FileID int
   ,SortOrder int

    FolderID int
   ,LinkID int
   ,SortOrder int

In all link tables, SortOrder defines the ordinal position of the linked item within the relationship.

Paul Alan Taylor

I would go with a table that defines the Rules which allows links to be made, and the display order for these.

DECLARE @Entity_Linkk_Rules TABLE(
        EntityFromType VARCHAR, --eg Disk
        EntitytoType VARCHAR, --eg Folder
        DisplayOrder INT

And then have a Many-To-Many link structure that include these Types

DECLARE @Entity_Links TABLE(
        EntityFromType VARCHAR, 
        EntityFromID INT,
        EntityToType VARCHAR,
        EntityToID INT

Something like that.

This would also easily allow you to expand the rules/links as required.

+1  A: 

I'd go for the adjacency list model with additional checking for the references:

CREATE TABLE inode (type INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL, parent INT NOT NULL, order INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (type, id), CHECK (type IN (1, 2, 3, 4)))

CREATE TABLE disk (type INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, disk_attributes ..., CHECK (type = 1), FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES inode (type, id))

CREATE TABLE file (type INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, file_attributes ..., CHECK (type = 2), FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES inode (type, id))

CREATE TABLE link (type INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, link_attributes ..., CHECK (type = 3), FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES inode (type, id))

CREATE TABLE folder (type INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, folder_attributes ..., CHECK (type = 4), FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES inode (type, id))

You'll need to implement additional checking will stored procedures or triggers.

This way, you'll be able to build hierarchies (like, find all subfolders of a disk) much more easily.
