i want when user type a word in text box then all the words starting from that word shold be populated and we can select one of them
How-To (no code included)
Implement an Event Handler on the text box to listen for a value changed event.
In the Event Handler, make an AJAX call to the server (assuming you have a web service that will return the results) with the partial word.
Parse the results returned from the AJAX call and place them in a DIV just below the text box, allowing the user to select the correct one.
Show the results DIV.
You'll have to show a little bit of effort on your part before I help you actually write the code. I've just included the theoretical steps behind implement that style of text box.
There are several examples in this Smashing Magazine article under section 10: "Auto-Complete Examples and Demos."
Here are the best implementations I have come across...
- AutoComplete from phpguru.org
- WICK AutoComplete
- Script.aculo.us Autocompleter
- BComplete Autosuggest Script
- Autocompletition from Wiseguysonly
- Autocomplete Control from Momche
- AutoSuggest from Brand Spanking New
- Ajax dynamic list
- AutoSuggest from Gadgetopia
- XMLHttpRequest Autocomplete
- Capxous Framework