Hi I am currently using TableAdapter that returns a dataTable, which is fine to use when result table should have more than one row like :
MyItemsDataTable myItemsDataTable = Adapter.GetAllItems();
but if we need only one row as a result, say an item, which has a particular ID
MyItemsDataSet.MyItemRow itemRow = Adapter.GetItemByID(id)[0];
how can I make Adapter to return one row instead of DataTable. I am using DataSet Designer wizard and gives me two options for putting in SELECT statement
Use SQL statements --> Select which return rows
(returns one or many rows)
Use SQL statements --> Select which returns a single value rows
(returns a single value)
and using similar query
SELECT * from
Do I need to override this method or add a new one ?
public virtual MyItemsDataSet.MyItemsDataTable GetItemByID(int ITEM_ID)
probably something like
public virtual MyItemsDataSet.MyItemRow GetItemByID(int ITEM_ID)
If so, I cannot do it in designer generated file !! where can I do this ?