



Is there a convenient method to access .NET class documentation (i.e. the MSDN documentation) from within PowerShel similar to "man 3" in UNIX shells?

+3  A: 

In the Powershell Community Extensions 2.0 (still only available via daily builds), we extend Get-Help to add a -object parameter that, in conjunction with -online, will bring up MSDN documentation e.g.:

Get-Help -object (get-date) -online

Until we release a 2.0 beta (in a few weeks), grab the module file from here. Note that it requires features in PowerShell 2.0. Import this module like so:

Import-Module .\Pscx.GetHelp.psm1

Note that you can't use this on a namespace like System.Net but pick a type like System.Net.WebClient e.g.:

Get-Help -obj [System.Net.WebClient] -online

BTW, gives props to x0n (Oisin) for implementing this for PSCX.

Keith Hill
Trying this out now...
Andrew J. Brehm
You don't need the -online switch for stuff shipped with the base framework itself (2.0 / 3.5) - I render help inline in the console for that, but of course -online might be newer.-Oisin / x0n