



Does anyone know of password strength meter component for delphi Win32?

Important : must be for a Win32 Form, not for Web.

something like that (but for Win32)

alt text

+2  A: 

This is fairly simple to build your own...and you don't have to use much more than a TPanel, TEdit two TLabels and a TShape.

A Tshape component aligned left inside a panel and colored works great as the simple progress bar, just change the width % of the TShape to match the % strength. Adjust color and such to match. A good resource then for the % strength is to use one of the many examples found on the web. As an addition to this table, if you have a spell check component available, try to spellcheck the result...if it passes then it should get a much lower score (in my opinion -50 from the result).

In the onChange for the edit, recompute the password strength and adjust the other controls appropriately.

@ skamradt, I know it's not hard to create a component like this, but this time i prefer to use an existing
because I could not find a component, I wrote one myself. thanks