



Is there a command to determine length of a longest line in vim? And to append that length at the beginning of the file?

+6  A: 

Gnu's wc command has a -L --max-line-length option which prints out the max line length of the file. See the gnu man wc. The freebsd wc also has -L, but not --max-line-length, see freebsd man wc.

How to use these from vim? The command:

:%!wc -L

Will filter the open file through wc -L and make the file's contents the maximum line length.

To retain the file contents and put the maximum line length on the first line do:

:%!wc -L

Instead of using wc, Find length of longest line - awk bash describes how to use awk to find the length of the longest line.

Ok, now for a pure Vim solution. I'm somewhat new to scripting, but here goes. What follows is based on the FilterLongestLineLength function from textfilter.

function! PrependLongestLineLength ( )
  let maxlength   = 0
  let linenumber  = 1
  while linenumber <= line("$")
    exe ":".linenumber
    let linelength  = virtcol("$")
    if maxlength < linelength
      let maxlength = linelength
    let linenumber  = linenumber+1

  exe ':0'
  exe 'normal O'
  exe 'normal 0C'.maxlength

command PrependLongestLineLength call PrependLongestLineLength()

Put this code in a .vim file (or your .vimrc) and :source the file. Then use the new command:


Thanks, figuring this out was fun.

Jonathan Wright
I was on something like !awk '{print(length($0))}' < yourfile | sort | tail -1lol
Even if Jonathan (pre-vim-7) solution is a bit complex, he is right in using `virtcol()`, tabulations shall not be counted as '1'. I'm afraid all other solutions based on wc, awk, perl, etc won't give correct answers.
Luc Hermitte

Thanks Jonathan Wright, very useful.

This should be a comment on his answer.
Callum Rogers
he's at rep 1, can't comment yet.

If you work with tabulations expanded, a simple

:0put=max(map(getline(1,'$'), 'len(v:val)'))

is enough.

Otherwise, I guess we will need the following (that you could find as the last example in :h virtcol(), minus the -1):

0put=max(map(range(1, line('$')), "virtcol([v:val, '$'])-1"))
Luc Hermitte